Fixing 404 Errors On MyBrand Feedburners After Transferring to Google

Fixing 404 Errors On MyBrand Feedburners After Transferring to Google

Some of you might be getting 404 errors after transferring your FeedBurner account to a Google domain. I was having the same trouble with my own feed, though I was certain I had followed all the steps correctly. I remembered experiencing similar trouble with our domain name which was purchased through Blogger. Blogger was not forwarding to our domain but after toggling the domain forwarding a few times it finally stabilized.

I did the same with MyBrand by deactivating it. When MyBrand was reactivated the 404 errors went away. I only had to do this once! It's stupid but I guess when it comes to Google you have to jiggle the handle sometimes. Hope that helps.

New York photographer, party mammal, and Internet troll for hire. Alain-Christian is an OG who’s been blogging for over 20 years dating back to the early days of AOL. He loves sharing his offbeat opinions on pop culture, bestowing his tech knowledge, and making arts.