Charetta and Letterist at Alphabet Lounge

Hey, it’s pictures! This time we take a gander at the Charetta and Letterist performances at Alphabet Lounge.


You should know I got there late. I feel awful about it. In fact it wasn't until the Letterist performance that I really started getting a feel for the area. So those pictures came out better. Next time Charetta performs I promise to get there on time and take better pics. I’m so sorry!

Angelina tells me she's now hooked on live performing and can't get enough. I guess she means singing live. I mean, she's been in theater since I've known her!


Letterist was up next. Since I had more time, these photos came out better as I wasn't rushing through it.

Yeah, Alphabet Lounge needs to get rid of that fucking bar. I wanted to saw it off. It's pretty awful.

I was going for an over the shoulder point-of-view. See the performance from the eyes of the artist. I don't think I pulled at off too well. At least we see less of that insufferable bar.

Yes, I took a few photos in color. As as you can see, for their performance Letterist used different lighting. But for all I know it was the same with Charetta until I got there. I feel terrible about that.

Oh man, I love this shot. For this one I bent down and tried to get the bar over the performers.

What I do when I shoot live performances and heavy action is I turn off the preview. This gives me a valuable additional second or two to take more photos. I can always see what I captured when there's less of a chance of missing something. Besides, film cameras don't have previews.

And there you go. I did more cropping to the photos this time. And I didn't use much flash because I wanted the photos to replicate the feeling of watching a performance in dim lighting. Think I pulled it off?

New York photographer, party mammal, and Internet troll for hire. Alain-Christian is an OG who’s been blogging for over 20 years dating back to the early days of AOL. He loves sharing his offbeat opinions on pop culture, bestowing his tech knowledge, and making arts.