SWSA Tactics - A New Summoners War: Sky Arena Podcast!

SWSA Tactics - A New Summoners War: Sky Arena Podcast!

Big fan of Summoner's War: Sky Arena are you? Hit a roadblock in the game? Not sure how to get better at it? Give our new Summoners War podcast a listen! I can't guarantee you'll get better but at least you'll have something to listen to as you're grinding Faimon Volcano (Hell) for the upteenth time.

There's two of us: Arsen and myself. Arsen has a big passion for the game and I'm kind of along for the ride. He's been playing for almost two years now and I joined him last October. He's been helping me and others get better at the game. He even started a website: SWSA Tactics. He wanted to do even more so we started a podcast.

When you listen he's the guy with the deep voice doing most of the talking. It's early days and there's plenty of opportunity for improvement but we're so happy to finally get it out there! And that's just the beginning, future episodes will have a video component. And for our deaf brothers and sisters we will have transcripts.

Please, please, please leave us your comments. We can take it; we want to improve! Be sure to check out Arsen's homepage on Summoner's War: SWSA Tactics. We had a lot of fun doing this, we hope you have fun listening. In this episode we discuss RNG woes, candy collecting, and how awakening DECREASES your stats?

New York photographer, party mammal, and Internet troll for hire. Alain-Christian is an OG who’s been blogging for over 20 years dating back to the early days of AOL. He loves sharing his offbeat opinions on pop culture, bestowing his tech knowledge, and making arts.