I Found a Dead Squirrel in the Street

I Found a Dead Squirrel in the Street

Warning: this video contains a dead squirrel. I promise it won't be creepy or disgusting. I don't do shock humor. Though in hindsight this may have been done in poor taste. I was walking home when I spotted this poor little guy in the street. I don't know why but I decided to record my reaction.

As you can see in the video I wanted to give 'im a proper burial. And I certainly didn't want him getting run over. So after shooting that footage I reinforced the chalk outline then raced upstairs to get a box to bury him in. When I returned the squirrel had vanished. I was only gone for three minutes. There was no trace of the squirrel, no gory mess or anything. I really really really hope nothing sinister happened to the dead squirrel. People in my neighborhood are cool. I'd like to think someone else found him in that short time and carried him out of the street.

Cause of Death?

I'd like to think the little guy died of natural causes. Maybe it was the heat? I don't think the nut I found was related. The body wasn't damaged aside from the normal scrapes and bruises you typically see on a squirrel. There were no trees in his proximity so I don't think he fell. Poor thing. *sigh* I think it was just his time to go.

I'll be honest, I feel a little guilty. I should have asked someone to watch him when I went upstairs. But I drew that chalk outline so that he didn't blend into the pavement with his grey fur. (I reinforced the outline after shooting the video.) Cars and pedestrians were sure to avoid him with the increased visibility.

Well, that squirrel lives on through the Internet now.

New York photographer, party mammal, and Internet troll for hire. Alain-Christian is an OG who’s been blogging for over 20 years dating back to the early days of AOL. He loves sharing his offbeat opinions on pop culture, bestowing his tech knowledge, and making arts.