Food, ThoughtcrimesAlain-ChristianJuly 07, 2008Comment How I Ruined a Clerk's Day at the M&Ms Store I pointed out that his job is a lie. Food, ThoughtcrimesAlain-ChristianJuly 07, 2008Comment
FoodAlain-ChristianMay 09, 2007Comment Orbit Mint Mojito is the Most Disgusting Gum FlavoUr Ever Made Orbit Mint Mojito has been discontinued and see here to learn why! FoodAlain-ChristianMay 09, 2007Comment
FoodAlain-ChristianApril 25, 2007Comment French Toast Pop-tarts Are the Worst This starts out as a conversation about Pop-tarts then just spirals out of control into my distaste for certain popular cereals. FoodAlain-ChristianApril 25, 2007Comment
Thoughtcrimes, FoodAlain-ChristianNovember 27, 2006Comment Waffles Suck! So Does Cereal, Actually. A cringy, edgelordy, excessively swearing, try-ardy blog post from the MySpace days about my breakfast routine. Can’t believe I was still edgelording at twenty-five. Enjoy! Thoughtcrimes, FoodAlain-ChristianNovember 27, 2006Comment
Animation, FoodAlain-ChristianJuly 06, 2005anime, Yakitate JapanComment Yakitate!! Japan 26 "Last Match of the Newcomer's Battle! Singing and Dancing French Breads" Animation, FoodAlain-ChristianJuly 06, 2005anime, Yakitate JapanComment